GEO BON Secretariat

October 12, 2015


Dr. Healy Hamilton, Chief Scientist and Vice President for Conservation Science at NatureServe


Tuesday Oct. 13th, from:

2:00 to 3:00 pm (Central Europe Time)

7:00 to 8:00 am (Lima-Bogota Time)




Dr. Healy Hamilton is currently Chief Scientist and Vice President for Conservation Science at NatureServe. She is a biodiversity scientist with broad interests in the evolution and conservation of the diversity of life.  Her current research focus is global change biology, with an emphasis on forecasting the impacts of climate change on species and ecosystems for natural resource management and conservation. She obtained her masters degree at Yale University and her Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, and for both degrees she conducted extensive fieldwork in South America. Dr. Hamilton is President of the Society for Conservation GIS and serves on the Science Committee of the National Park Service Advisory Board. She is a Switzer Foundation Environmental Leadership grantee and a former U.S. Fulbright Scholar.


The data and information resources needed to support monitoring the success or failure of conservation actions and progress toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets are often widely dispersed or presented in highly technical reports, creating barriers to broad understanding. To address the urgent need for rapid dissemination of indicators of biodiversity, NatureServe is developing a web-enabled, interactive dashboard that offers intuitive, user-friendly visualization of biodiversity indicators calculated at regional, national and local scales. Following the pressure, state, benefit, response model for indicators, the Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard uses maps and graphs to present time series datasets that demonstrate progress against the 2020 targets. In collaboration with many regional and global biodiversity information organizations, academics, and government organizations, the Dashboard integrates across disparate data sources to broaden understanding of biodiversity trends. Through the intuitive visualization and synthesis of biodiversity and conservation information, the Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard informs outcome-based policy-making for the protection of natural resources.

Measuring success and challenges toward conservation: The Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard

News from: News from the GEO BON Secretariat