The Ecosystem Structure EBV class encompasses the condition of the structural components of ecosystems that lead to, and maintain, biodiversity characteristics. The Ecosystem Structure WG focuses on the monitoring of the relevant EBVs, and how they are changing in time.

About Ecosystem Structure WG
Gary Geller
Rubén Valbuena
Swedish University of Agricultural sciences
Susana Rodríguez-Buritica
Instituto Humboldt
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Key objectives
  1. Identify and agree on a set of EBVs that characterize the structure of ecosystems, its relationship to biodiversity, and that facilitate monitoring change. Develop an explicit definition for each EBV, including any sub-variables.
  2. Identify the in situ and remotely sensed observations needed to generate these EBVs, and facilitate the acquisition of and access to these observations.
  3. Facilitate mechanisms to generate the identified EBVs and sub-variables and make them accessible.
  4. Work with the various BONs to provide guidance on the observation systems and facilitate the acquisition of in situ data pertinent to ecosystem structure.
  5. Relate the Ecosystem Structure EBVs to policy relevant outputs, particularly indicators for the CBD targets and SDGs.

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Documents & Publications
Web meeting, 2019-04-10
Ecosystem Structure WG Call
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Ecosystem Structure WG Call Summary
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