By Ecosystem Services Working Group

June 25, 2024

Recording here.

When: JULY 11th 2024

Time: 08:30 AM EST (02:30 PM CET)

While the literature around ecosystem services (ES) continues to grow rapidly, knowledge from this body of evidence is rarely reused in an efficient and comprehensive way. A major reason for this is the currently limited state of interoperability of ES data, models, and software. The FAIR Principles, a recent reformulation of long-standing open science goals, highlight the importance of making scientific knowledge Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Building on recent examples from major international initiatives for ES (GEO BON, IPBES, SEEA), will discuss strategies to address interoperability. Individuals and organizations alike can play critical roles on the path toward widespread interoperability and reusability of ES science.


Time (EST) Item
8:30 Welcome, by Nuria Piston
8:35 Introduction to interoperability in ecosystem services, by Ken Bagstad
9:00 The role and needs for interoperability in GEO BON, by Flavio Affinito
9:05 Advancing interoperability for BON in a Box, by Jean-Michel Lord
9:10 Q&A
9:25 Discussion on the next steps for advancing interoperability within & beyond GEO BON
9:30 Wrap-up


Dr. Ken Bagstad – U.S. Geological Survey

Dr. Ken Bagstad has led work on natural capital accounting in the U.S. since 2016, and currently coordinates USGS activities on this topic. He has been involved in data interoperability for ecosystem services since 2007 through his work on the Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services (ARIES) Project, and worked with the U.N. to develop the ARIES for SEEA application and SEEA interoperability strategy.

Flavio Affinito – McGill University

Flavio works on methods and approaches to monitor ecosystem services in Canada. His work focuses on understanding change in social-ecological systems to guide reporting, policy and action.

Jean-Michel Lord – GEO BON

In the past three years, Jean-Michel Lord applied his software and project management skills at the service of the GEO BON community. Notably, he has coordinated the new developments of BON in a Box as well as developed the supporting web platform. In the context of the BON in a Box pipeline engine in particular, interoperability has been a critical topic to facilitate developments from various labs to work together in shared indicator pipelines. The overarching objective is to accelerate the deployment of the Global Biodiversity Monitoring Framework through open collaboration.


Ana Sofia Vaz
Natural Business Intelligence

Nuria Pistón
University of Granada

Agnes Vari
McGill University

Flavio Affinito
McGill University
Advancing interoperability for ecosystem services within & beyond GEO BON

News from: News from the GEO BON Secretariat