Kickoff meeting of NextGEOSS

January 20, 2017

The NextGEOSS project, valued at €10 million, has been selected by the European Commission to provide the European hub for EO data distribution. NextGEOSS (Next Generation GEOSS for Business & Innovation) will be the European contribution to the global system being put in place by GEO, providing access to a

GEO-Wetlands Initiative approved by GEO Plenary

January 14, 2017

In November 2016, GEO-Wetlands has been approved by GEO-XIII Plenary in St. Petersburg and is now officially part of the GEO Work Programme 2017-2019 as a new GEO initiative. Currently, a website for GEO-Wetlands is being developed, with a first version already available at Different working groups have been

GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Monitoring Networks

November 29, 2016

The GEO Handbook was edited with contributions from over 100 authors, from all over the world, including both scientists and practitioners. It covers approaches from in-situ observations to remote sensing, to modelling biodiversity and reporting. The book was designed to provide practical guidance to broadly-defined biodiversity observation networks at all

The Future of the European Biodiversity Observation Network: 4th EU BON Roundtable

November 20, 2016

The 4th EU BON roundtable took place on 17 November 2016 in the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Focused on the topic “Pathways to sustainability for EU BONs network of collaborators and technical infrastructure” the 35 participants discussed key questions with regards to the sustainability of the EU BON network

From data sources to Essential Biodiversity Variables

October 10, 2016

Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) consolidate information from varied biodiversity observation sources. Here we demonstrate the links between data sources, EBVs and indicators and discuss how different sources of biodiversity observations

Warning to forest destroyers: this scientist will catch you

October 5, 2016

Ask Matthew Hansen to show off his data and he hunches over his computer like a possessed video gamer. With a few mouse clicks, he flies over the globe and zooms in on a forest in Indonesia. The area is designated as a preserve

The role of space agencies in remotely sensed EBVs

The role of space agencies in remotely sensed EBVs
October 4, 2016

A new paper published on the policy forum of the Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (RSEC) open-access journal, summaries the conditions for a collective engagement of space agencies in the co-development of Essential Biodiversity Variables.