First steps in the creation of a Latin American BON

April 3, 2017

During a three-day meeting, from March 29th to 31st, held at Jasper-Ridge-Biological-Preserve, experts representing biodiversity observation initiatives in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, met with some of the world’s leading biodiversity monitoring experts from the GEO BON Network including the California Academy of Sciences, CSIRO, Conservation International-TEAM, EcoHealth Alliance,

GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Monitoring Networks

November 29, 2016

The GEO Handbook was edited with contributions from over 100 authors, from all over the world, including both scientists and practitioners. It covers approaches from in-situ observations to remote sensing, to modelling biodiversity and reporting. The book was designed to provide practical guidance to broadly-defined biodiversity observation networks at all

From data sources to Essential Biodiversity Variables

October 10, 2016

Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) consolidate information from varied biodiversity observation sources. Here we demonstrate the links between data sources, EBVs and indicators and discuss how different sources of biodiversity observations

The role of space agencies in remotely sensed EBVs

The role of space agencies in remotely sensed EBVs
October 4, 2016

A new paper published on the policy forum of the Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (RSEC) open-access journal, summaries the conditions for a collective engagement of space agencies in the co-development of Essential Biodiversity Variables.

GEO BON Photo Contest

June 28, 2016

The organising committee is really happy to invite to participate in the first GEO BON Photo contest! To submit your photographs, visit our webpage:

New GEO BON paper

June 14, 2016

Please have a look at our new GEO BON journal publication. “How do we want Satellite Remote Sensing to support biodiversity conservation globally?”

Open Science Conference Programme online

May 30, 2016

Please see the first version of the program agenda for the GEO BON Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting 2016 at