The webinars provide an opportunity for the MBON community members to share ideas, talk about methods and protocols, progress in specific programs or manuscripts, and address issues in developing a community of practice. We invite members of other groups, such as GEO Blue Planet, GEO Wetlands, the Freshwater BON, and any of the various GEO BON Working Groups and Task Forces, etc., to participate, since we all share common problems and goals.

The webinars also provide a forum for seminars and lectures on issues of relevance to the research and applications of marine biodiversity.

Date Title Presenter Links
26/10/2020 The Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) Program
At the core of the Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) program is a simple and inexpensive, yet statistically sound approach to collecting long-term monitoring data. This approach has enabled the program to grow into a multi-organization consortium that monitors sites along the entire Pacific Coast of North America, from Alaska to Mexico. Key components to MARINe’s success will be highlighted, including: 1) collaboratively developed, standardized “core” protocols that can be layered with “supplemental” protocols to better capture regional differences, 2) a centralized database that ensures data accessibility and compatibility, 3) a website with data display capabilities that can be utilized by a broad range of users, including researchers, resource managers and the general public, and 4) a diverse funding model that can provide long-term sustainability.
Melissa Miner / University of California Santa Cruz
MARINe Data Manager and WA Regional coordinator
Watch webinar
22/07/2020 MetaZooGene: Toward a new global view of marine zooplankton biodiversity based on DNA metabarcoding and reference DNA sequence databases
Q&A: Metazoogene Webinar | Info 1 | Info 2
Ann Bucklin Watch webinar PDF
New camera observations of biodiversity in shallow and deep ocean habitats
Fish communities and benthic habitats observed from unbaited underwater video: interest and achievements
Observing life in the deep-ocean with National Geographic’s deep-sea camera system; a low-cost and scalable approach
Dominique Pelletier / Jonathan Giddens Watch webinar
09/03/2020 From the ground to the air: using local and remote observations to understand the patterns and drivers of underwater vegetation in Chesapeake Bay Jonathan S. Lefcheck Watch webinar
10/02/2020 Integrating animal tracking and soundscapes in to biodiversity monitoring Neil Hammerschlag Watch webinar
09/12/2019 Ecological Marine Units
More Info about EMUs:
Sayre et al., 2017:
Journal of Oceanography Publication
AAG Publication
Wright et al., 2018:
Keith VanGraafeiland Watch webinar
09/09/2019 A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network Pole-to-Pole of the Americas in support of conservation and sustainable use of living resources in the sea Enrique Montes Watch webinar
13/05/2019 Marine data for ecosystem services Ilse Geijzendorffer Watch webinar
14/01/2019 The French Biodiversity data hub and the Galaxy-E project: A web platform for collaborative data analysis in Ecology Yvan Le Bras Watch webinar PDF
08/10/2018 Challenges of creating and using indicators for decision making in public policy Pia Wiche Watch webinar
10/09/2018 Monitoring the environmental dimension of the Agenda 2030 Francesco Gaetani Watch webinar
02/2017 A global data sharing and clearinghouse for marine biodiversity data through the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) OBIS PDF
2014-now Marine BON & the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) GOOS Webpage