Pulse of the planet webinar series #12

When: Friday, January 24, 2020 Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm (EST UTC -5 hours) Title: “Integrating biodiversity information through standards: a synthesis of disciplines, from origins to outlook” Presenter: Dr. Stan Blum Short Bio: Dr. Stan Blum has been the principal analyst or contributor to the design of scientific databases for

Pulse of the planet webinar series #11

When: Friday, September 27, 2019 Time: 12:00 – 1:00pm (Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), UTC-4) Title: “Biodiversity Observations for Decision-Making: From Data to Decision” Presenter: Mike Gill Short Bio: Mike Gill is the Director of the Biodiversity Indicators Program at NatureServe. Mike’s career has been driven by the strong belief in

A global alliance for biodiversity knowledge

In July 2018, GBIF and partner organisations convened the second Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference (GBIC2) in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the term of the conference, participants called for the establishment of a global alliance for biodiversity knowledge that would align the global efforts to deliver current, accurate and comprehensive data, information

GEO Data Technology Workshop: The Era of Big EO Data.

The GEO Data Technology Workshop gathered >140 experts from more than 110 organizations to share knowledge and best practices in the management and use of Earth observations and to contribute the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The meeting attended by Laetitia Navarro and Christian Langer on behalf of

GBIF call to promote the mobilization and use of biodiversity data in Asia

The fourth call under the Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA) programme invites proposals that – Enhance knowledge of Asian biodiversity through access to data from biological collections and monitoring programmes in the region and – Engage research and policy communities in the use and application of data mobilized through