The contribution of GEO BON Ecosystems Services Workgroup to IPBES Global Assessment

The contribution of GEO BON Ecosystems Services Workgroup to IPBES Global Assessment: Socioecological indicators helped tell the full story of biodiversity loss on human wellbeing Contributed by Tuyeni H. Mwampamba, Patricia Balvanera, Berta Martín-López and Ilse R. Geijzendorffer In the week between April 29th and May 3rd of 2019, fourteen

Pulse of the planet webinar series #5

When: MARCH 22  2019 Time: 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time (EST), UTC-5 Title: “Ecosystem Restoration in the conservation agenda and opportunities for rewilding” Presenter: Laetitia Navarro Short Bio: Dr. Laetitia Navarro is a French biologist. She got her PhD degree from the University of Lisbon, Portugal and focused her research

IPBES-6 Plenary

GEO BON participated, as an observer, in 6th Plenary of IPBES that took place from March 17th to 24th 2018 in Medellin, Colombia. By the end of the meeting, the plenary had approved the four regional assessments and the thematic assessment on Land Degradation and Restoration. Several GEO BON members