Since the 2020 Open Science Conference, GEO BON and UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) have been working together in cross-walking the Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and the Essential Ecosystem Services Variables (EESV) frameworks with the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (EEA). The SEEA is a United Nations hosted statistical system that brings
GEO BON Genetic Composition Working Group engages CBD with Indicators publication, a Policy Brief, webinars
Co leads of the Genetic Composition Working Group, Sean Hoban and Maggie Hunter led 31 authors from 18 countries on a publication to Biological Conservation. This paper (open access here) contains commentary and recommended changes to the Convention on Biological Diversity draft post 2020 framework, to ensure all aspects of
A pipeline for standardising and integrating alien species data
There has been enormous progress over the last half decade in the collation and publication of global datasets on alien species distributions, for various plant and animal groups and in terrestrial and marine environments. One of the key hurdles that remains for the construction of Essential Biodiversity Variables for alien
New book published “Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis – Remote Sensing and GIS with Open Source software”
The new textbook “An Introduction to Spatial Data analysis – Remote Sensing and GIS with Open Source software” is published and available through e.g. or Amazon. This textbook aims at students and researchers without any prior knowledge of spatial data analysis. The book introduces basic concepts and principles of
Monitoring Ecosystem Services: From global to local
Last July 8, the Ecosystem Services Working Group session took place within the framework of the GEO BON All Hands Meeting Conference 2020, in which more than 50 members participated. The discussions revolved around analysing the links between ES monitoring at the global and local scale. Although monitoring of global
French EBV operationalization pilot, Biodiversity indicators computation on the European Open Science Cloud
At GEO BON OSC 2020 conference, Coline Royaux, french museum of natural history, presented “Galaxy for Ecology: An open source platform on academic cloud to produce and share EBV data products and EBV workflows” ( Coline was describing ongoing work on biodiversity metrics and indicators production at both population and
Launch of the new H2020 project EuropaBON: An EU-wide framework for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem services
EuropaBON (Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: integrating data streams to support policy), a new project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme has officially been approved by the EU Commission on 1 October 2020. European countries and regions have invested substantial amounts of resources into biodiversity conservation and knowledge. This
GlobDiversity Newsletter Issue 5
GlobDiversity engineered retrieval algorithms for three remote sensing-based variables relevant for biodiversity monitoring. They are Fragmentation, Land Surface Phenology and Canopy Chlorophyll Content. The variables are referred to as Remote Sensing Enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables (RS-enabled EBVs) within
AmeriGEOSS is inviting you to register to the virtual 2020 Americas Symposium (Sept.7-9)
The AmeriGEO Co-Chairs are pleased to announce that the detailed agenda is now available for the 2020 America’s Symposium. Please find the event details below: Event: 2020 America’s Symposium Dates: September 7th & 8th Venue: Virtual To register for this event or to find more information on this event, please visit
Significant funding for a new Finnish Ecosystem Observatory
The state of biodiversity and ecosystems has deteriorated both in Finland and globally. Planning and implementing effective corrective measures requires more comprehensive and up-to-date information about nature than before. According to the recent EU biodiversity strategy, it is also necessary to develop a knowledge base on nature that can support decision-making processes.