The GlobDiversity project has started

This European Space Agency (ESA) funded project supports the efforts of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), and the GEO BON working groups on ecosystem structure and function, among others, to build a global knowledge base for terrestrial ecosystems based on satellite remote sensing

Invitation to submit biodiversity related papers to a regular IGARSS 2018 session

The IGARSS 2018 conference will be held in Valencia Spain from 22 Jul – 27 Jul 2018 See for details and submission of Abstract. We plan a general session on ‘biodiversity and remote sensing’ to which you are invited to contribute a presented paper. You need to prepare and submit an Abstract by 12

AGU session: Development of EBVs: Progress and Challenges

This year, the AGU (The American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from December 11-15 with a session “Development of Essential Biodiversity Variables: Progress and Challenges”. Information on the session abstract and conveners are below.  Abstracts are due Wednesday, August 2, at 11:59 PM

News from the French Biodiversity Observation Network ECOSCOPE

Graphs to visualize data in ecology: the pilot cases IndexMEED are launched! In May, the IndexMEED consortium organized its first “Data Curation” workshops, aimed at preparing the datasets of voluntary participants for the construction of graphs. Organized at the CESAB (Aix-en-Provence) and the ISCC (Paris), the focus was on data

BON in a Box workshop Colombia

GEO BON in partnership with Colombia’s Instituto von Humboldt held the first BON in a Box (Biodiversity Observation Network in a Box) regional workshop in Armenia, Colombia.

GEO BON workshop

Towards a global system for assessing, monitoring and reporting on biological invasions