RUS: A New Expert Service for Sentinel Data Users

The Research and User Support (RUS) opened on 25 September, 2017 with the aim to promote the uptake of Copernicus data, and to support the scaling up of R&D activities with Copernicus data. The service was designed in such a way the following main issues are addressed: 1- Knowledge issues:

Invitation to submit biodiversity related papers to a regular IGARSS 2018 session

The IGARSS 2018 conference will be held in Valencia Spain from 22 Jul – 27 Jul 2018 See for details and submission of Abstract. We plan a general session on ‘biodiversity and remote sensing’ to which you are invited to contribute a presented paper. You need to prepare and submit an Abstract by 12

GEO BON represented in an OPPLA webinar on ecosystem services in international policies

The webinar consisted of two presentations on results from the OPERAs project. The first presentation was from Marianne Kettunen and the second presentation is one on a joint paper with GEO BON Ecosystem Services Working Group, ESP and OPERAs ( The paper demonstrates which ecosystem services are contributing to which

PREDICTS version 2: from space to time

Since it began in 2012, PREDICTS has furthered our understanding of how different aspects of biodiversity respond to land-use pressures across the globe. The first phase of PREDICTS focussed on collating spatial comparisons, where biodiversity was sampled across multiple sites that differed in land use or intensity. This approach had

AGU session: Development of EBVs: Progress and Challenges

This year, the AGU (The American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from December 11-15 with a session “Development of Essential Biodiversity Variables: Progress and Challenges”. Information on the session abstract and conveners are below.  Abstracts are due Wednesday, August 2, at 11:59 PM

Optimized monitoring sites for detection of biodiversity trends in China

Properly designed monitoring networks can generate data to understand status and trends of biodiversity, and to assess progress towards conservation targets. However, biodiversity monitoring is often affected by poor sampling design. We proposed an approach to choosing optimized monitoring sites among large areas.

A view on biodiversity within environmental impact assessment in the Global South

The KLIMOS platform and the CEBioS programme (hosted by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) funded by the Belgian Development Cooperation published a study on the situation of biodiversity in environmental impact assessment in the context of development cooperation. In particular, the authors investigated how biodiversity is framed, and