GEO BON Implementation Committee and Advisory Board meeting

July 7, 2017

From June 26th to 28th, GEO BON held the in-person meeting of its Implementation Committee and Advisory Board in Leipzig, Germany. Following the change in the structure of the network in the summer of 2016, this meeting was the occasion for the working groups, BONs, and task force leads to

Mike Gill and Henrique Pereira elected as GEO BON co-chairs

July 7, 2017

The GEO BON Secretariat is really happy to inform you that Henrique Pereira (iDiv) and Mike Gill (Polar Knowledge Canada) have been unanimously elected as co-chairs of GEO BON for a 3-year term by the Implementation Committee and Advisory Board of GEO BON, during the in-person meeting held in Leipzig

A roadmap for the mobilization of structured biodiversity data

July 2, 2017

Data sharing is becoming common practice in some scientific fields, as exemplified by massive data repositories such as GenBank and a trend to open access publishing of scientific research. GBIF and DataOne are examples of such initiatives relevant for ecology and conservation biology, yet while both are widely accepted and

Symposium on the Mobilization of Structured Biodiversity Data

June 28, 2017

The plenary will be on LIVE STREAM available via the following instructions: You can view the talk with the following link: Login with your name or nick name. Please notice, required is a web browser with Flash. For more information, please see the Agenda and the Info Brochure produced

Building capacity in biodiversity monitoring at the global scale

June 23, 2017

Human-driven global change is causing ongoing declines in biodiversity worldwide. In order to address these declines, decision-makers need accurate assessments of the status of and pressures on biodiversity. However, these are heavily constrained by incomplete and uneven spatial, temporal and taxonomic coverage.

An operational definition of essential biodiversity variables

June 19, 2017

The concept of essential biodiversity variables (EBVs) was proposed in 2013 to improve harmonization of biodiversity data into meaningful metrics. EBVs were conceived as a small set of variables which collectively capture biodiversity change at multiple spatial scales and within time intervals that are of scientific and management interest. Despite

New paper: Ecosystem services in global sustainability policies

June 7, 2017

Global sustainability policies, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the Aichi Targets, aim to ensure sustainable development, including improved human well-being and the conservation of nature. Although not yet explicitly used to evaluate the progress towards sustainable development, the ecosystem service concept implies a direct link between biodiversity

GEO BON joined the 2nd GEO Data Providers workshop

April 28, 2017

GEO BON was invited to attend the Second GEO Data Providers workshop. The First GEO Data Providers workshop was held as a side event at the GEO-XIII Plenary in St Petersburg, Russia, to strengthen dialogue with data providers and to improve the discoverability, accessibility and usability of GEOSS resources. Given

First steps in the creation of a Latin American BON

April 3, 2017

During a three-day meeting, from March 29th to 31st, held at Jasper-Ridge-Biological-Preserve, experts representing biodiversity observation initiatives in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, met with some of the world’s leading biodiversity monitoring experts from the GEO BON Network including the California Academy of Sciences, CSIRO, Conservation International-TEAM, EcoHealth Alliance,