We are very pleased to inform you that GEO BON was formally approved as one of the four GEO Flagships at the November GEO-XIII Plenary in St Petersburg!
GEO Handbook on Biodiversity Monitoring Networks
The GEO Handbook was edited with contributions from over 100 authors, from all over the world, including both scientists and practitioners. It covers approaches from in-situ observations to remote sensing, to modelling biodiversity and reporting. The book was designed to provide practical guidance to broadly-defined biodiversity observation networks at all
From data sources to Essential Biodiversity Variables
Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) consolidate information from varied biodiversity observation sources. Here we demonstrate the links between data sources, EBVs and indicators and discuss how different sources of biodiversity observations
The role of space agencies in remotely sensed EBVs

A new paper published on the policy forum of the Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation (RSEC) open-access journal, summaries the conditions for a collective engagement of space agencies in the co-development of Essential Biodiversity Variables.
8th meeting of the Asia Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network
GEO BON took part in the 8th meeting of the Asia Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (AP-BON) which was hosted in the Biodiversity Research Center of the Academia Sinica, in Taipei, Taiwan on September 12th and 13th.
Conference Plenary Presentations / Videos / Gallery online
The Presentations and Video Streams of the Conference Plenary Talks are available for download on http://conf2016.geobon.org. In the gallery you will find images of the conference as well.
GEO BON Photo Contest
The organising committee is really happy to invite to participate in the first GEO BON Photo contest! To submit your photographs, visit our webpage: http://conf2016.geobon.org/photo-contest
New GEO BON paper

Please have a look at our new GEO BON journal publication. “How do we want Satellite Remote Sensing to support biodiversity conservation globally?”
Open Science Conference Programme online
Please see the first version of the program agenda for the GEO BON Open Science Conference & All Hands Meeting 2016 at http://conf2016.geobon.org
CBD SBSTTA20 Technical Workshop on Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
On April 24th, the CBD Secretariat, in collaboration with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), UNESCO IOC’s Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and GEO BON’s Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), convened a one day workshop in Montréal, Canada to discuss opportunities to enhance global and regional marine biodiversity