By Miguel Fernandez

March 7, 2019

When: MARCH 22  2019

Time: 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time (EST), UTC-5

Title: “Ecosystem Restoration in the conservation agenda and opportunities for rewilding”

Presenter: Laetitia Navarro

Dr. Laetitia Navarro, Executive Secretary GEO BON

Short Bio: Dr. Laetitia Navarro is a French biologist. She got her PhD degree from the University of Lisbon, Portugal and focused her research on rewilding as a restoration approach for degraded ecosystems, particularly in the context of land abandonment in Europe. She also participated in the mid-term assessment of Aichi Target 15 for the Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 and was a lead author in the IPBES Assessment on Land Degradation and Restoration. She is currently the Executive Secretary of GEO BON where she also investigates the monitoring of biodiversity and its policy relevance.

Abstract: Restoration ecology is gaining momentum in the international conservation scene. The United Nations just declared 2020-2030 the decade for Ecosystem Restoration less than a year after the release of a dedicated IPBES thematic assessment. In its current biodiversity framework, the CBD also explicitly considers the restoration of degraded ecosystems, particularly within Aichi Target 15. This recognition of the importance of restoration sets the perfect scene for a bold and yet flexible approach, which has been both criticized and advocated in recent years: the rewilding of complex ecosystems. Such approach would not only contribute to the restoration of ecosystems, but also to restore the lost connections between society and nature.

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