GlobDiversity Newsletter Issue 5

GlobDiversity engineered retrieval algorithms for three remote sensing-based variables relevant for biodiversity monitoring. They are Fragmentation, Land Surface Phenology and Canopy Chlorophyll Content. The variables are referred to as Remote Sensing Enabled Essential Biodiversity Variables (RS-enabled EBVs) within

Five grantees for the first EBVs on the cloud call

Earlier this year, Microsoft’s AI for Earth and the GEO BON Secretariat launched the program “Essential Biodiversity Variables in the Cloud”, a new US$1 million grant program providing financial support and Microsoft Azure credits to monitor Earth’s biodiversity. The call was particularly designed for advancing research and applications that leverage

EBVs on the Cloud

Microsoft’s AI for Earth Program and GEO BON are launching a new US$1 million grant program. As our planet’s biodiversity is increasingly threatened, it is more important than ever to have a sustained and integrated way to assess biodiversity and enable informed conservation decision-making.

Towards “BON in the Cloud”

GEO BON continues promoting the development of infrastructures supporting the production and dissemination of the Essential Biodiversity Variables and derived indicators. The workshop “BON in the Cloud”, held in Leipzig on February 13-14th, identified the most pressing needs for developing cloud-based systems in support of biodiversity observation networks. Workshop participants