Please have a look at the special Issue: “Connecting the Dots: Integrating Biodiversity Observations to Better Track the CBD 2020 Targets” involving a number of GEO BON authors
GEO-XII Plenary & Mexico City Ministerial Summit
The GEO Plenary in Mexico City 9-13th November 2015, was a key event not only for GEO but also for GEO BON. See documents here There had been many very interesting side events at the GEO Plenary and GEO, which has now 100 member states has experienced a strong support
Jane Goodall recorded talk for the GEO 2015 Ministerial Summit
New videos in our GEO BON video section! The BON in a Box promotion video and the recorded talk of Jane Goodall for the GEO 2015 Mexico City Ministerial Summit. Enjoy!
GEO BON at CBD’s SBSTTA19 – Launch of BON in a Box
GEO BON hosted a side event at the Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) SBSTTA19 meeting in Montreal, Canada on November 5th, 2015. The side event presented an opportunity for GEO BON to profile many of its milestones and achievements as they relate to supporting the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity and
GEO Germany meeting in Leipzig
The GEO Germany delegation meet at the iDiv in Leipzig at the 29th-30th October 2015 to get informed about activities in the biodiversity realm. Christian Wirth introduced iDiv, Paul Becker, Bernd Richter and Thorsten Büßelberg introduced GEO and Henrique Pereira introduced GEO BON. Nine additional speakers informed about the progress
Measuring success and challenges toward conservation: The Biodiversity Indicators Dashboard
The data and information resources needed to support monitoring the success or failure of conservation actions and progress toward the Aichi Biodiversity Targets are often widely dispersed or presented in highly technical reports
GEO BON presents a new generation of biodiversity indicators
Last week, an ad-hoc technical expert group of the CBD met in Geneve to advise CBD on a small set of indicators that could be used to assess progress towards the Aichi targets. GEO BON presented a new generation indicators based
8th GEOSS Asia-Pacific Symposium / AP-BON meeting
A few impressions from the Asia-Pacific GEOSS and the AP-Biodiversity Observation Network meetings last week in Beijing. The Asia-Pacific-Biodiversity Observation Network (AP-BON) is the largest of GEO BON’s regional BONs
Pre-register 2016 GEO BON Open Science Conference
Biodiversity Science is facing enormous challenges as the pressures upon the earth’s biotic systems are rapidly intensifying and we are unlikely to reach the CBD 2020 Aichi Targets. But how far or close are we to reach the targets?
GEO BON Gallery
Our GEO BON gallery is now online. See some pics from the great and interesting GEO BON / iDiv talk by Anne Larigauderie about “How to engage with IPBES”.
More pics in our gallery coming soon!