Webinars on Genetic diversity – 26 July 2021

July 9, 2021

Download compiled presentations here. Watch the recording on the GEO BON YouTube channel. Agenda Time (ET) Topic Speaker Affiliation 9:00-9:10 Introduction Jillian Campbell Convention on Biological Diversity 9:10-9:20 Why genetic diversity is important, and fundamental concepts including Ne (effective size) Linda Laikre Stockholm University (Sweden) 9:20-9:30 Explaining genetic diversity indicators

GEO BON’s participation in SBSTTA-24

July 6, 2021

The first part of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA-24) took place online from 3 May to 9 June 2021. The event, which was postponed and delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, consisted of three blocks of plenary and contact group sessions,

Webinars on Species Populations and Area-based Conservation – 12 July 2021

June 28, 2021

Download compiled presentations here. Watch the recording on the GEO BON YouTube channel. Agenda Time (ET) Topic Speaker Affiliation 9:00-9:05 Introduction Jillian Campbell Convention on Biological Diversity 9:05-9:50 Species Population Essential Biodiversity Variables Melodie McGeoch La Trobe University (Australia) Indicator policy relevance, calculation, adaptation, and use Walter Jetz Yale University

GEO BON welcomes Katie Millette as Science Officer!

GEO BON welcomes Katie Millette as Science Officer!
June 25, 2021

My expertise and research interests are in molecular ecology, landscape genetics, and patterns of species genetic diversity in nature. Before taking up this position at GEO BON, I worked at the UN Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD) where I supported the implementation of the Global Taxonomy Initiative

GEO BON welcomes Cristiana Mandru, communications and engagement administrator!

GEO BON welcomes Cristiana Mandru, communications and engagement administrator!
April 22, 2021

I count myself incredibly lucky to be part of an international network such as GEO BON, and to contribute to the overall access and visibility of much-needed research in the field of biodiversity. My academic background is in international relations, so any work involving collaborations with international teams, which has the

GEO BON has a new executive secretary! We welcome Adriana Radulovici.

GEO BON has a new executive secretary! We welcome Adriana Radulovici.
April 7, 2021

I have worked on many biodiversity projects over the last two decades. I started by working on urban biodiversity and the management of protected areas during my BSc and MSc studies in Romania. Then I became interested in adopting DNA barcoding methods to investigate biodiversity patterns, especially in the marine

The GEO BON Secretariat is hiring!

The GEO BON Secretariat is hiring!
February 10, 2021

The new GEO BON secretariat, located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, is hiring to form its core personnel. Join us! Developer English posting Annonce en français

Announcing the election of Maria Cecilia as co-Chair

Announcing the election of Maria Cecilia as co-Chair
November 17, 2020

We are thrilled to announce the unanimous election of María Cecilia Londoño (Humboldt Institute) as co-Chair elect of GEO BON by its Implementation Committee. María Cecilia is an integral part of the GEO BON community and has been for many years. She has led the Colombia BON successfully implementing GEOBON

Collaboration between GEO BON and UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) on EBVs and EESVs

Collaboration between GEO BON and UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) on EBVs and EESVs
October 22, 2020

Since the 2020 Open Science Conference, GEO BON and UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) have been working together in cross-walking the Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) and the Essential Ecosystem Services Variables (EESV) frameworks with the SEEA Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (EEA). The SEEA is a United Nations hosted statistical system that brings