ECOPOTENTIAL – “Improving Future Ecosystem Benefits through Earth Observation” is a new research project funded by the European Union within the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, led by Dr. Antonio Provenzale
See the very interesting new project GLOBIS-B which will engage in EBV development.
Arctic BON
The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program’s (CBMP) goal is to facilitate more rapid detection, communication, and response to the significant biodiversity-related trends and pressures affecting the Arctic.
Upcoming EU BON Workshop
In line with EU BON progresses and aims, we have scheduled a workshop in Manaus, Brasil 20-24 July, for a targeted group of representatives of the different EU BON WPs or task forces.
New online platform for freshwater ecosystems
Highly detailed responsive grid desktop computer vectorLakes, rivers and wetlands provide a multitude of services to humanity. They cover a small proportion of the earth’s surface, but support major parts of global biodiversity.
First approach for trends in freshwater fish species
GEO BON is excited to announce a first approach for trends in freshwater fish species, which is located at the address: The trend shows the study of the North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research (LTER)…
BON in a Box workshop Colombia
GEO BON in partnership with Colombia’s Instituto von Humboldt held the first BON in a Box (Biodiversity Observation Network in a Box) regional workshop in Armenia, Colombia.
EU BON and CETAF workshop
GEO BON took part at the EU BON and CETAF joint informatics workshop in Joensuu, Finland.
New EBV paper
Reporting under policy instruments to inform on the trends in biodiversity requires information from a range of different elements of biodiversity…
GEO BON workshop
Towards a global system for assessing, monitoring and reporting on biological invasions