Open call for the nomination of the GEO BON co-chair

August 31, 2020

GEO BON is now opening a nomination process for its co-chair that will serve a mandate of at least 3 years together with Andrew Gonzalez. The official transition between the current co-chairs (Henrique Pereira and Mike Gill) and the co-chairs elect is expected to occur during the CBD COP15 in May 2021.

New secretariat of the Marine BON hosted by AIR Centre in the Azores

New secretariat of the Marine BON hosted by AIR Centre in the Azores
July 20, 2020

Marine biodiversity scientists celebrate having a new Secretariat to coordinate the world Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON), now hosted by the AIR Centre located in Terceira island, Azores. The agreement between MBON, AIR Centre and the Azores Regional Fund for Science and Technology was celebrated in November 2018.

Five grantees for the first EBVs on the cloud call

Five grantees for the first EBVs on the cloud call
July 20, 2020

Earlier this year, Microsoft’s AI for Earth and the GEO BON Secretariat launched the program “Essential Biodiversity Variables in the Cloud”, a new US$1 million grant program providing financial support and Microsoft Azure credits to monitor Earth’s biodiversity. The call was particularly designed for advancing research and applications that leverage

GEO BON moves headquarters to Montréal, Québec, Canada

July 6, 2020

GEO BON moves headquarters to Montréal, Québec, Canada to capitalize on the city’s research environment and AI expertise Montréal, July 6, 2020 -The Group on Earth Observations – Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), a global research network and community of practice dedicated to improve monitoring of Earth’s biodiversity, announces the

EBVs on the cloud joint call launched today!

EBVs on the cloud joint call launched today!
May 5, 2020

As one part of this initiative, Microsoft’s AI for Earth program and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) Secretariat are launching a new US$1 million grant program. Grants of US$500k in financial funding and US$500k in Microsoft Azure credits

The 2020 Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting will be 100% virtual

April 30, 2020

As we informed you earlier this month, we have been monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic closely while investigating potential formats to hold the Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting. Today we confirm that the event will be held from July 6th to 10th as a 100% virtual meeting. We are

GEO BON Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting 2020

April 9, 2020

GEO BON will be holding the Open Science Conference and All Hands Meeting from July 6th to 10th, 2020. We are monitoring updates from local and international health authorities to decide whether the meeting will be held as planned in Leipzig, Germany, or whether we will hold a virtual meeting

Towards “BON in the Cloud”

March 18, 2020

GEO BON continues promoting the development of infrastructures supporting the production and dissemination of the Essential Biodiversity Variables and derived indicators. The workshop “BON in the Cloud”, held in Leipzig on February 13-14th, identified the most pressing needs for developing cloud-based systems in support of biodiversity observation networks. Workshop participants