GEO BON at the OEWG2 meeting of the CBD

GEO BON at the OEWG2 meeting of the CBD
February 25, 2020

The GEO BON delegation keeps engaging in the consultation on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework while at the second meeting of the Open Ended Working Group of the CBD held this week in Rome, Italy. To read the opening statement made by GEO BON

Open call for the GEO BON Secretariat

Open call for the GEO BON Secretariat
November 27, 2019

Currently, the GEO BON secretariat is hosted by iDiv ( and is supported by the German Science Foundation (DFG). With the second and non-renewable terms of the current GEO BON Co-Chairs to close in 2020, GEO BON is seeking offers to host the secretariat starting October 2020 (start dates within

GEO BON welcomes a new Regional BON in the Americas

GEO BON welcomes a new Regional BON in the Americas
September 19, 2019

The GEO BON Secretariat is happy to officially announce the establishment of the Americas Biodiversity Observation Network (Americas-BON), which was endorsed by the GEO BON Implementation Committee at its last in-person meeting in July 2019. The Americas-BON becomes the third Regional BON of the network, together with the Arctic BON

The contribution of GEO BON Ecosystems Services Workgroup to IPBES Global Assessment

The contribution of GEO BON Ecosystems Services Workgroup to IPBES Global Assessment
June 2, 2019

The contribution of GEO BON Ecosystems Services Workgroup to IPBES Global Assessment: Socioecological indicators helped tell the full story of biodiversity loss on human wellbeing Contributed by Tuyeni H. Mwampamba, Patricia Balvanera, Berta Martín-López and Ilse R. Geijzendorffer In the week between April 29th and May 3rd of 2019, fourteen

A global alliance for biodiversity knowledge

May 27, 2019

In July 2018, GBIF and partner organisations convened the second Global Biodiversity Informatics Conference (GBIC2) in Copenhagen, Denmark. At the term of the conference, participants called for the establishment of a global alliance for biodiversity knowledge that would align the global efforts to deliver current, accurate and comprehensive data, information

Unlocking a New Era in Biodiversity Science: Linking Integrated Space Based and In-Situ Observations

Unlocking a New Era in Biodiversity Science: Linking Integrated Space Based and In-Situ Observations
May 20, 2019

The Study Program “Unlocking a New Era in Biodiversity Science: Linking Integrated Space Based and In-Situ Observations” continued in March with the second workshop hosted by the Keck Institute for Space Studies at California Institute of Technology. For five days, biodiversity scientists and remote sensing technologists worked together towards the identification of breakthroughs for implementing a global biodiversity monitoring

GEO Data Technology Workshop: The Era of Big EO Data.

GEO Data Technology Workshop: The Era of Big EO Data.
May 2, 2019

The GEO Data Technology Workshop gathered >140 experts from more than 110 organizations to share knowledge and best practices in the management and use of Earth observations and to contribute the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). The meeting attended by Laetitia Navarro and Christian Langer on behalf of

GEO BON at COP 14 – Outcomes online

GEO BON at COP 14 – Outcomes online
December 18, 2018

The 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP14) was held between November 17th and November 29th in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. The COP 14 was the occasion for the GEO BON delegation to officially present, in plenary, the Bejing Call on biodiversity observations for post-2020 decision-making, which